

He is in me,
He is around me,
He s above me,
He is behind me,
and ahead of me.

I see Him in the beautiful sunrise,
in the lush landscape,
in the deep blue sea,
and in the breathtaking waterfall.

I see Him on the face-
of my daughter,
of my neighbor,
of the preacher, 
of the Sunday school teacher,
of the church ,
and of the beggar.

I see Him on the cross,
bearing all.... our..... sins,
and three days after victoriously,
at the mouth of the tomb,
I see him,
sitting on the throne.

(3)The not so social me

I haven't always,
been like this.

not so long ago,
I laughed ,
and shared,
and bonded,
with my brothers,
in that far away land.

When I look in the mirror,
 I see a figure disfigured,
by selfishness.
 and impulsive thinking.
by rage,
and unwise decisions,
and so I keep him here,
locked in ,
at arms length.

Yet .
ye my inner being aches,
and yearns,
and longs,
to share,
to bond,
and to connect.

break me out,
out of this hardened shell,
bathe me in the warm light,
of community.


(2) My journey


I stop ,
and I turn,
what used to be,
patches of scorched earth,
and billowing smoke,
into beautiful green pasture.
He has healed my past !

Yet as I turn my gaze,
I see a dense fog,
 a hint of anxiety....

I close my eyes,
in faith...I say to Him,
I believe in You.

I open my eyes,
the fog has vanished,
the landscape ahead,
is lush and inviting.

I used,
to carry a heavy load,
but my load is light,

And so I press on ,
knowing that,
no matter what I encounter,
He who is in me is GREATER!

(1) Prayer

In a split second
when I kneel before you
I'm whisked away,
from this earth,
from this life.

And instantly,
I can feel Your LOVE,
more profoundly ,
embracing me.

I'm awed ,
by Your magnificence,
by Your glory.

and even though ,
I approach Your throne boldly,
I'm humbled,
that as petty and as unworthy as I am ,
You welcome me.

The traces of ,
doubt and worry that I had,
are gone.

My heart is warm,
and at peace ,
my mind is clear.

I know
You can You hear me,
when I'm praising You.

I know
Your ear is attentive
when I cry and my heart is shattered,
in You, i find comfort.

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